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Codex Biblioteca online Intraweb Unicum Moodle

The BA Degree in Preservation and Restoration consists of 240 ECTS credits over 4 academic courses (60 ECTS credits per course).

The Study Plan consists of two general courses and two specialist courses, as outlined in ENS resolution 1550/2014 of the 23rd of June, whereby approval is given to the study plan leading to the BA Degree in preservation and restoration of cultural heritage awarded by the Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Cataluña (DOGC 6660 9.7.2014).

The two courses are taught over 2 semesters and the teaching schedule is Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 15.00.

How the credits are awarded

Study plan (2024-2025)

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